This post is for you if you’ve had your air conditioner on day and night but still feel like you’re in an oven. Your AC not cooling, it’s hot outside, and you’re not getting the necessary cool air. Suddenly, you find yourself trapped in a stuffy house with no way out. What can you do then if your AC not cooling? In the following article, discover the most frequent reasons why your air conditioner might not be chilling.

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How Does an AC Unit Operate?

During hot weather, the air conditioner keeps you cool by removing heat from your house and transferring it to the outside. The first step in this process is refrigeration. Refrigerant is a chemical that absorbs and releases heat energy, changing states from liquid to vapor. Your air conditioning system uses refrigerant to move heat from within your house outside. Your house is currently filled with frigid air.

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Why Is Your Ac Not Cooling?        

Filters Are Blocked

Possibly the most common cause of AC issues is clogged filters. Filters can get clogged up with debris, pet hair, pollen, and dust. As a result, your home’s air conditioner cannot efficiently chill it. Clogged filters can also affect how well your system’s indoor evaporator coil and outdoor condenser unit operate.

Cleaning and replacing filters as needed is the best approach to avoid problems with clogged filters. We advise changing them by an AC Maintenance Company in Dubai every three months. Changing filters more frequently for people with dogs could be necessary.

Coils Are Either Dirty Or Frozen

While the filters in your air conditioner are excellent at keeping the evaporator coil clean, problems can arise with the coil over time. (Incidentally, setting up a UV lamp can assist in lowering the amount of muck that accumulates in the indoor evaporator coil. Moreover, it raises air quality.) Because coils retain moisture and are conducive to the growth of mold and mildew, they tend to become unclean over time. This may significantly impact their performance. Moreover, coils might freeze over and stop functioning, especially if the system is lacking in refrigerant.

The Compressor Isn’t Running

The compressor in your air conditioner is the system’s brain. The Refrigerant is moved back and forth between the indoor and outdoor units by the compressor. The complete system cannot efficiently chill indoor air when the compressor is damaged. It’s possible that other, smaller, less expensive electrical components have failed, giving the appearance of a compressor failure. For instance, the capacitor or another hard-starting component that keeps the compressor running may need to be replaced.

If your condensate drain becomes clogged, your compressor will be turned off if your system incorporates a ceiling saver device (a float switch). This stops water leaks inside your house. The best way to fix compressor issues is to replace the component. The main issue is the high potential cost of compressors. You might swap out the entire outside unit if a warranty doesn’t cover this component.

Is the refrigerant low or Leaking

Refrigerant, a chemical, is used by air conditioning systems to transmit heat from indoor spaces outside. Your air conditioner uses a variety of refrigerants to cool the air, including Puron and the well-known, phased-out Freon. Your AC not cooling can have trouble chilling the air in your home if the refrigerant level is low. There are two potential causes for the low refrigerant level in your air conditioner. It’s possible that the AC installation in Dubai undercharged the system.

The Thermostat Has a Fault

The thermostat in your central air conditioning system senses the indoor air’s temperature and makes any necessary adjustments. The general operation of your AC may suffer if there is an issue with your thermostat. When the thermostat malfunctions, replacing it is a simple fix. Your thermostat’s settings could be the problem in some cases. Be sure, for instance, that the thermostat is set to cool rather than heat.

Replace the batteries in your thermostat if it needs them with fresh ones. A hard restart might benefit some of the more recent intelligent thermostats. In other words, unplug the thermostat from its power source, then plug it back in so that it may restart. This may be a simple remedy if you touch your thermostat and it feels frozen. The most likely explanation is that the system leaks. In this situation, you must seek professional AC maintenance Dubai as soon as possible. Although uncommon, a refrigerant leak can affect the environment and result in poisoning.

You’ve Compromised On Proper Upkeep

Poor maintenance is a common cause of an AC system’s inability to produce cool air. Indeed, you can maintain your AC’s various components clean. Yet, you’ll still need to choose the best HVAC business to inspect the system thoroughly. We advise an AC tune-up twice a year in the spring and the fall. An AC expert examines the components of your AC that are difficult for you to access during this tune-up. The technician will spot any possible issues and can take care of them before they require pricey repairs.

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If you keep your AC in good shape, it will perform at its peak when you need it most. Your air conditioner will be in good operating order for when the heat wave arrives with regular maintenance. Many AC issues can be avoided with routine maintenance services. An HVAC expert will inspect your refrigerant, examine each mechanical part, and verify all requirements for optimal airflow during an AC tune-up. Thanks to frequent maintenance, you won’t be concerned about a defective capacitor or low-voltage wire interfering with your breeze!